Studio Policies for Parents and Students
We ask that all parents and students please follow these rules:
- Bring your child ready for class. This includes coming with their hair already slicked and pulled back.
- Take younger students to the restroom before the class has started.
- If you are late for class, please tell your children to enter quietly and take their place in the class.
No food, gum or drinks are allowed in the studios. This includes Gatorade and Propel. Only non-flavored bottled water is allowed. - Students are not allowed unattended in the studios unless stretching or rehearsing. No running or horse playing in the studios or parking lot.
- Parents with siblings: please keep your children from running, screaming or jumping throughout the studio. This is for the safety of others as well as their own. Do not allow balls to be thrown around the studio and keep toys to the side. We do not want anyone to get hurt.
- If a younger child is crying for a long period of time, please take him/her outside
- Please place trash such as candy wrappers, soda cans, and potato chip bags in trashcans. Do not leave trash on the floor.
- Parents shall not leave children unattended in the parking lot at any time!
Tuition is due on the 1st or 10th of the month. You have until the 10th of the month to make a payment, without a late fee. Automatic drafts from your bank account can be set up to avoid late fees. Please fill out the appropriate paperwork with the office staff.